Wadi Rum Sights
Wadi Rum, also known as “Valley of (light, airborne) sand or the “Roman Valley” – the latter due to the presence of Roman ruins in the area, known also as the Valley of the Moon, is a valley cut into the sandstone and granite rock.
Wadi Rum has been inhabited by many human cultures since prehistoric times, with many cultures – including the Nabataeans – leaving their mark in the form of rock paintings, graffiti, and temples. In the West, Wadi Rum may be best known for its connection with British officer T. E. Lawrence, who passed through several times during the Arab Revolt of 1917–18.
Nowadays, the only permanent inhabitants are several thousand Bedouin nomads and villagers. To safeguard its unique desert landscape, Wadi Rum was declared a protected area in 1998 and an intensive conservation program is now underway.
Wadi Rum is a unique desert scenery on earth and there are so many breathtaking sights that you can visit. We present to you the most popular.
The Lawrence's Springs
The spring is at the top of a short scramble – head for the fig tree, located just 2km (1.2 miles) south-west of the village of Rum. The spring was named in honour of Lawrence’s evocative description in the Seven Pillars of Wisdom: ‘’In front of us a path, pale with use, zigzagged up the cliff-plinth…From between [the] trees, in hidden crannies of the rock, issued strange cries; the echoes, turned into music, of the voices of the Arabs watering camels at the springs which flowed out three hundred feet above ground’’. Although the pool itself is largely unprepossessing, being a stagnant puddle, the views across the desert are truly spectacular.

Lawrence House
Nobody is certain that this was Lawrence’s house, although there are stories that he both stayed and/or stored weapons here. The current structure is built upon the remains of a Nabataean building, however, and it’s another beautiful spot in the desert. There is little left of this building, erected on the Nabataean ruins of a water cistern. Nonetheless, legend has it that Lawrence stayed here during the Arab Revolt and that makes it a must on the regular 4WD circuits of the area. Near the building is a Nabataean inscription that mentions the area’s ancient name of Iram. The remote location and uninterrupted view of the red sand dunes are the main attractions.
Little Rock Bridge
Easy to climb, this bridge offers great views across a broad expanse of desert. It is easily accessible and not dangerous, it is perfect for families with children and people who feel less comfortable with heights under their feet.

Khazali Canyon
Khazali Canyon in Wadi Rum is the site of petroglyphs etched into the cave walls depicting humans and antelopes dating back to the Thamudic times. This narrow canyon contains numerous Nabataean rock carvings of people and animals.
Jebel Khazali, a peak situated in the center of Wadi Rum Protected Area opens up in a narrow fissure of about 100 m length. Its inner walls are covered with Thamudic, Nabatean, and Islamic inscriptions, as well petroglyphs depicting humans and animals. Remarkable are the soles of feet petroglyphs, which probably had religious significance. In 1932 the French epigraphist Savignac noted the engravings in the cleft and published some of them in 1934.
The petroglyphs and inscriptions of Khazali Siq form an impressive collection being one of the major tourist attractions in Wadi Rum. At the end of the canyon, there are several man-made rock-cut basins for water collection.

Um Fruth Rock Bridge
A lower rock bridge which is featured on many tours and can be easily scrambled onto. The climbing takes 5-15 minutes (depending on your experience) and the view that it offers to the surrounding area is amazing.

Mushroom Rock
Sometimes nature performs small miracles. One of them is the Mushroom Rock. Over the centuries, rain and winds have carved this sandstone and gave it the shape of mushroom.